Inspirational Reading – The Canal House Series

Highly suggested reading.

Highly suggested reading.

This week I find myself returning to pour over my Canal House books – which come as semi-annual publications from authors Christopher Hirsheimer and Melissa Hamilton. To say that I’m enamored with the Canal House is an understatement.  The passion that is thrown into each book is UNREAL. Not just a great resource for recipes, these books are excellent reading, offering little tidbits that…

make you think “now, why didn’t I think of that?”

Canal House Cooking

Beautifully designed and written.

Not long ago in a planning session for Our Localtopia, we sat around my kitchen table and devoured thin slices of battered lemon, sage leaves and shiitake mushrooms.  The recipe was from Canal House Vol. 1, which I had been introduced to over two years earlier.  The reaction to this simple recipe was phenomenal.  And this is true for just about each recipe that I’ve made from the books.

I return to the Canal House books because they are seasonal and always creative.  Isn’t it fun to find a new spin on something you already love, like mayonnaise? Or olives? Their blog is beautifully illustrated and a pleasure to read.  On those Sunday mornings when I wake up to a quite house, make a pot of French-Press coffee, and sit an read – I regularly turn to the Canal House books for inspiration.  What to cook today? What to plant for meals in two months? What looks like a fun time in the kitchen this week? They’ve got it.

-Jonathan Dye

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