Making Your Own Preserved Lemons

People who like to eat and to cook are crazy about preserved lemons, but I must confess that before the “Thursdays in the Kitchen: Cooking with Lemon” class at the Fullerton Arboretum,  I had never even eaten them. With a heavy lemon crop on the branches and the need for a subject to film in my kitchen at home, I decided to make this short film. Thanks to Jonathan Dye and Alicia Hitchcock for the inspiration!
Want to make your own batch? It’s easy. Follow these short directions and watch the posted video…
To make preserved Meyer lemons (or other lemons and citrus):
Make several deep cuts into each lemon, place them in a jar with copious amounts of salt (2-3 tablespoons per lemon at least; more can’t hurt). Compress the lemons and add juice until the fruits are submerged. Store the jar in the refrigerator, inverting it every couple of days, for at least 4-6 weeks before use. The skin can be sliced thinly and added to salads or used to boost the depth of flavours in savoury sauces.

Have you ever made preserved lemons? Do you have any tips or changes that you’d like to share? Let us know…

– Jonathan Duffy Davis

Preserved lemons in mason jars look as good as they taste.

Preserved lemons in mason jars look as good as they taste.

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