Free Healthy Lunches Class: 1/29 at Yorba Linda Public Library

Healthy Lunches

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OurLocaltopia is excited to present a class on creating healthy packed lunches for adults and teens on Wednesday January 29th at the Yorba Linda Public Library, from 7pm to 8:30pm. This class is FREE to all members of the community! Kick the habit of lunch hour fast food, and spend the evening with us exploring just how beautiful, healthy and delicious a thoughtfully packed lunch can be! This class will include simple cooking demonstrations, instruction and discussion. And of course, some samples of the prepared food will be available for tasting. Check out our proposed menu…

Bento Boxes

Healthy, delicious and beautiful lunches are standard fare in Japan where meals are made elegantly portable in bento boxes. Learn how to create and pack your own beautiful bento box lunches inspired by Asian and modern American cuisine.

European Picnic Bento – cheeses, whole-grain breads, nuts, and fruit

Classic Japanese Bento – short-grain brown rice, simply prepared protein, steamed vegetable, soy sauce

Fresh, Packable, and Portable Salads

Crisp greens are an obvious choice but salad options need not end there.  Grains, nuts, and fruit and herbs all help to turn a salad into an interesting meal!

Quinoa, Walnut, and Citrus Salad

Mediterranean Chopped Herb and Wheat Salad with Lemon Dressing

Snacks and Healthy “Desserts”

Nutritious snack are fuel to keep students and their working parents productive and attentive.

Homemade Hummus with Sliced Crudité

Two Sticky-Rice Parcels – Peanut, dark chocolate, sesame AND banana & honey

OurLocaltopia will be presenting several other classes in this style throughout 2014 at the Yorba Linda Public Library. All are free to the community. Check out the dates and themes below:

5 Ingredients or Less – Wednesday, February 12 at 7:00 p.m.

Learn to create simple, healthy recipes with 5 ingredients of less!

From Garden to Table – Wednesday, March 26 at 7:00 p.m.

Use homegrown and local ingredients to create these tasty dishes.

Healthy Cooking for Teens – Tuesday, April 15 at 6:00 or 6:30 p.m.

Teens grades 7th-12th are invited to learn some fun, easy and healthy recipes!

It’s About Thyme – Wednesday, April 30 at 7:00 p.m.

Learn how to incorporate fresh herbs into mouth watering recipes.

Programs presented in partnership with Yorba Linda Grows: A Seed Lending Library. Yorba Linda Grows is sponsored by a LSTA grant and donations.


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