Category Archives: cocktails

Thanksgiving Tips, Dry-Brined Turkey Tutorial, Roasted Harvest Vegetables & Recipe Round-Up

Thanksgiving is essentially the ultimate celebration of food. This holiday combines the notions of seasonality, tradition, family and (let’s face it) excess into a single meal the represents all for which we are thankful. Here at OurLocaltopia we have spent the past few months gearing up for Thanksgiving through a series of recipe and technique focused posts that run the gamut from traditional to nouveau. As the big day approaches, we of course have even more of these recipes and techniques to share! In this post, Jonathan Dye reveals a variety of his own hints for taking some of the stress and work out of Thanksgiving dinner prep, including his suggestion for quicker cooking, spatchcocked turkey prep. Jonathan Duffy Davis takes us through a step-by-step tutorial on dry-brining and whole roasting your turkey, and shares his recipes for perfectly roasted harvest vegetables. Finally, we recap the various recipes we have explored this fall so they can be used on your own holiday table! Continue reading

Thursdays in the Kitchen: An Elegant New Year’s Eve – Final Class of 2013 on 11/21

Hello friends! Don’t forget… on Thursday November 21st at 6pm, we will be hosting the final Thursdays in the Kitchen class of 2013, our “Elegant New Year’s Eve” celebration.  This class will be team taught by Jonathan Duffy Davis and Jonathan Dye and will serve a dual purpose: to explore a wonderful menu of elevated cuisine, perfect for end of the year parties AND to celebrate the success of the Thursdays in the Kitchen series, all while enjoying a fabulous evening! Continue reading

Jonathan Duffy Davis’ Pickled Green Beans: Recipe and Method

Ingredients for pickled green beans

Most vegetables are takers but bean give back. Along with the rest of the legumes beans have formed an amazing symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Rhizobium). These bacteria that call the roots of legumes home are capable of taking the inert nitrogen gas (n2) that constitutes almost 80% of every breath that we take and turning it into a form of nitrogen that plants can use. Nitrogen is the most limiting nutrient to plant growth in the garden. The more nitrogen your soil contains, the better your garden will grow. Thus, beans nourish not only the gardener but the garden as well. Continue reading

A Creepy Cocktail for Halloween: Fresh Beet Gin Fizz

We love beets! Beets taste of the soil in which they were grown and they are our icon, our mascot. Beets were also a major staple in the kitchen when the three of us starting cooking and working together – so we are and always will be fond of beets.

Our writing often focuses on seasonality and this beet-based cocktail is certainly one that will fit the bill for this immediate season – Halloween night.

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Thursdays in the Kitchen are BACK!

Thursdays in the Kitchen: Exploring the Autumn Harvest classes start this week at the Fullerton Arboretum!

Thursdays in the Kitchen: Exploring the Autumn Harvest classes start this week at the Fullerton Arboretum!

Don’t forget, folks! The Jonathans are back on Thursday nights at the Fullerton Arboretum this fall! Our three part, holiday focused cooking series kicks off this week with an Early Fall Dinner Party. The menu Continue reading

Thanks To All Our Tailgaters!


Thanks to everyone who came out tonight to OurLocaltopia’s Tailgating Party at the Yorba Linda Public Library! Check back soon for the recipe packet and more pictures from class. A special thanks to the Library and its great staff for having us!

Crafting A Lemon Verbena Gimlet – A Recipe & Gallery

It’s hot as $@&#, right? This type of weather calls for a cocktail. OurLocaltopia has you covered! Continue reading

Melon & Tequila Cocktail – Recipe and Gallery

 Tequila & Melon, together at last!

We have had quite the melon-filled August here at OurLocaltopia. And it ain’t over yet! Yes, of course we have a recipe for a melon cocktail. This delightful drink can be altered to suit your tastes, and has a beautiful color that shows well in a pre-chilled glass. Thirsty yet? Click through for our full recipe and photo galley guide… Continue reading

In Praise of Gin and the Elderflower Greyhound – Recommendations & A Recipe

An OLT favorite.

An OLT favorite.

There are certain truths in life. The sky is blue; you are bound to pay your taxes, and after taxes (or life or work) things are better with a little nip from the bottle. At OurLocaltopia we believe in many things; one of which is an abiding respect of and praise for the nectar known as gin. While we have explored drinks with different gins (sloe gin, sweet gin, infused gin), there has been one constant gin from the very beginning: Hendricks. We adore this exceptional gin, which is floral, deep, and outright spectacular. It’s worth seeking out if you haven’t tried it, and it’s now readily available in most markets. This will work with any gin, just remember that the quality of your booze is important. At least for the first drink! In the early days of our blog we would gather at a table planning classes or events around this iconic dark bottle, with no accompaniments but soda and limes. While that still passes, now and then we like to ante-up a bit. So here is a recipe for a pretty little drink, as refreshing as it is colorful, and one that is enjoyed under a blue sky, after taxes, in the midst of life, after work, or – any time you please. Enjoy it as we have, with friends, coworkers, and great company.

Gin Greyhound with Elderflower Liqueur
Into an ice filled low-ball or high-ball glass (depending on how heavy you want your drink to be, choose the glass that fits your needs!), fill with the following ingredients…
3 measures dry gin
½ measure elderflower liqueur
Top with strained fresh grapefruit juice
Optional: add a splash of seltzer
Garnish with fresh citrus. Remember, garnishes are important! A good cocktail garnish is like a Christmas present that has been expertly wrapped with care and detail. It’s like receiving two presents in one. You’ve spent money on the gin and the elderflower liqueur… why stop there? Make it beautiful!
Drink and repeat until life gets better!

Good drinking!

~Jonathan Dye

A Photo Gallery From The Muck’s Summer Farm Dinner, Have A Look!

A beautiful evening, in a beautiful setting. Click through the gallery above for more photos of the Summer Farm Dinner at The Muck. Continue reading