Tag Archives: basalmic

Thursdays in the Kitchen are BACK!

Thursdays in the Kitchen: Exploring the Autumn Harvest classes start this week at the Fullerton Arboretum!

Thursdays in the Kitchen: Exploring the Autumn Harvest classes start this week at the Fullerton Arboretum!

Don’t forget, folks! The Jonathans are back on Thursday nights at the Fullerton Arboretum this fall! Our three part, holiday focused cooking series kicks off this week with an Early Fall Dinner Party. The menu Continue reading

Home for a Holiday – A Dispatch from Jonathan Duffy Davis in Muskoka, Ontario, Canada

 A Muskoka SupperJonathan Duffy Davis here. I am home for a bit of a holiday and a visit with my family. Though I grew up in Toronto, Muskoka is where my family and I spend our time when I come back for a visit. Muskoka isn’t exactly the Great White North but it is rural (two deer just ran across the driveway when I began to type this paragraph– scout’s honour) and parts of it are quite untamed. A quick drive lands us in Algonquin Provincial Park, a 3,000 square-mile preserve of wilderness where the hardwood forests of the south yield to the conifers that dominate the near and far north. Muskoka is a place that I love: a place where the canoe is an icon and a true conveyance, where there are more lakes and rivers than a person could visit or know, a place where the air is crisp on August evenings and definitely smells like home. Continue reading

Fig Jam with Balsamic Vinegar, Made from Backyard Figs: A Recipe & Gallery

Figs have, without a doubt, been an overriding force for OurLocaltopia this season.  These tender gems have somehow made their way onto our plates and into our kitchens with alarming regularity lately, and none of us…. none of us can ever seem to turn them down. Continue reading

Thursdays in the Kitchen at Fullerton Arboretum: Cooking with Summer Tomatoes Class Recap and Recipes!


Tonight’s Cooking with Summer Tomatoes class at the Fullerton Arboretum was so very delicious! Chef Jonathan Dye guided us through a tantalizing menu of tomato preserves on toast, caprese skewers, salmon and melted tomatoes, a tomato cheese tart and more! Check out the recipes from class here: Cooking with Summer Tomatoes, and click through for some more photos from class! Continue reading