Tag Archives: eggplant

Burnt Eggplant with Tahini – A Report, A Recipe and A Photo Gallery

Fresh from the garden

Fresh from the garden

Fair warning, folks, this is an Evelyn post. Evelyn… you know, the non-cooking, non-farming third of OurLocaltopia. I coordinate a bit, and work the computer machines. As some of you know, my interest in local food has always been present, but I fall definitively into the eater category. That is, I’m a patron, a customer, an observer, a consumer… but never a maker, never a cook. Because, frankly, I am a cooking failure. Continue reading

A Photo Gallery From The Muck’s Summer Farm Dinner, Have A Look!

A beautiful evening, in a beautiful setting. Click through the gallery above for more photos of the Summer Farm Dinner at The Muck. Continue reading