Tag Archives: harvest

Fall Baking: Thanksgiving Corn Cookies!

We wanted to share a cookie recipe that has captivated us at OurLocaltopia this season, and it is SO special because it uses a somewhat new twist on a very old ingredient. And it tastes, well, amazing!  Freeze-dried corn, available online and at an increasing number of retailers, is packed with that hearty corn flavor that has been a quintessential part of eating in the Americas since well before the first Thanksgiving! Continue reading

Stocking Up Your Fall Pantry: Chicken, Beef & Vegetable Stock Recipes

October is swiftly coming to an end. Though the weather has played many tricks on us this season I am still determined to support my traditional notion of cooking soup during the fall. As far as I’m concerned – it’s my right to expect and demand soup in the fall; Continue reading

Fall Baking: Savory Stuffed Pumpkin!

This sugar pumpkin is stuffed with everything good and about to be roasted!

This sugar pumpkin is stuffed with everything good and is about to be roasted!

For our second fall baking post, we wanted to share a recipe that has enchanted us to the most infinite degree… a stuffed pumpkin baked with a savory filling that, as recipe name suggests… has truly everything good.  Continue reading

A Gourmet’s Guide to Gourds, Pumpkins & Squash

gourd chart key OLT 2013Pumpkins, winter squash, and gourds are inseparable from the autumn season. They fill our pies, form the foundation of our soups, and adorn our tables as the days get shorter and the holidays approach. In this gallery you’ll find cucurbits (the general term for these fruits of the Cucurbitaceae family of plants) for all purposes. With a little hunting, you should be able to purchase all of these at local markets and grocers… Continue reading

Fall Baking Begins NOW with Nutella Cinnamon Buns: Recipe and Gallery!

Nutella Buns x 2As the days become shorter and the nights become longer… OurLocaltopia is excited by the new season and all of the great ways we can celebrate it.  We’re absolutely crazy for fall.  We love how fall brings a change in the air, the light, what’s in our gardens, and what’s on our stoves and in our ovens.  Seasonality is a complete inspiration for us, therefore we have decided to issue several posts over the coming weeks devoted to Fall Baking and Cooking. Continue reading

Thursdays in the Kitchen are BACK!

Thursdays in the Kitchen: Exploring the Autumn Harvest classes start this week at the Fullerton Arboretum!

Thursdays in the Kitchen: Exploring the Autumn Harvest classes start this week at the Fullerton Arboretum!

Don’t forget, folks! The Jonathans are back on Thursday nights at the Fullerton Arboretum this fall! Our three part, holiday focused cooking series kicks off this week with an Early Fall Dinner Party. The menu Continue reading