Tag Archives: lemon

Elegant Strawberry Conserve

Once sufficently cooled, place your finsihed conserve in a glass jar. We suggest Weck jars. It's that easy... Enjoy!

Strawberry Conserves.

Strawberry season comes early in Southern California and is just around the corner for the rest of the country! We wanted to post about this AMAZINGLY EASY Strawberry Conserve recipe, inspired by one of our go-to books, Canal House Cooks Everyday. Continue reading

Crafting A Lemon Verbena Gimlet – A Recipe & Gallery

It’s hot as $@&#, right? This type of weather calls for a cocktail. OurLocaltopia has you covered! Continue reading

Fig Jam with Balsamic Vinegar, Made from Backyard Figs: A Recipe & Gallery

Figs have, without a doubt, been an overriding force for OurLocaltopia this season.  These tender gems have somehow made their way onto our plates and into our kitchens with alarming regularity lately, and none of us…. none of us can ever seem to turn them down. Continue reading

Cooking With Lemon at Thursdays in the Kitchen

Last week’s class at the Fullerton Arboretum was much sweeter than its staring fruit. Farmer Jonathan Duffy Davis gave us a primer on lemon ecology and why this ubiquitous fruit is under appreciated. Then, Jonathan Dye and Alicia Hitchcock showcased an amazing menu that included…

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A Love Affair With Lemons

Lemon Bounty

Any time of year – any type of lemon –  my attention is centered.  With the 2nd class in our culinary series fast approaching, I am excited to be revisiting favorite recipes and an AMAZING ingredient in preparation for Thursday the 31st at the Fullerton Arboretum.  We’re going to explore at least six recipes in class this week in which lemon is the “star” ingredient – but I am MOST excited by two of our selections…

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