Tag Archives: soup

Celebrating Root Vegetables: White Winter Soup

Happy (belated) New Year from OurLocaltopia!  We are back on duty to post content that compels us (and that we hope will compel you) to shop local, cook seasonally, and to have fun and celebrate everything around us.  We look forward to a great 2014 and to creating new friends, connections, neighbors, and inspiring content!

Though January is nearly through, winter still dominates the selection at the markets. Continue reading

Stocking Up Your Fall Pantry: Chicken, Beef & Vegetable Stock Recipes

October is swiftly coming to an end. Though the weather has played many tricks on us this season I am still determined to support my traditional notion of cooking soup during the fall. As far as I’m concerned – it’s my right to expect and demand soup in the fall; Continue reading

The Great Squash Soup Duel: Davis vs. Dye


As most of you know, the Jonathans are the creative culinary force behind OurLocaltopia. They are each extremely talented cooks, with divergent styles that inform and strengthen each other. Occasionally their differences come out in epic Iron chef style duels, like the one detailed below. I was lucky enough to experience this duel in person, and while I could never pick a decisive winner, the  process was educational and, of course, delicious! Read on for details on two seemingly similar dishes, Continue reading